Factors within my daily environment that are supportive to me are my friends and family they provide support in my daily environment by being great cheerleaders in providing me with guidance as well, when it is needed. If my family and friends were not a part of my life I don't think I would not be the person I am today. Factors within my work environment that are supportive to me, is that my work environment is transparent with open communication. I feel that at work my feelings are valued, and we have a give and take system, we work as a team to get goals and tasks accomplished with strong team spirit, we praise each other for a good job and well done. I also find a great amount of support in my local church, my fellow church member encourage me to live out my purpose and to live according to my faith.
A challenge that comes to mind when I think of support, is feeling like you have to live up to your supporters expectations and feeling as if you are a failure when those expectation are not meet. The benefits to having supports makes you feel as if someone is in your corner, providing praise and recognition for goals or tasks you have accomplished. If my supporters were not apart of my life I do not think I would have made it thus far. There has been time when I felt like giving up, and not finishing something I have started it was my supporters who encouraged me to with stand the course and continue on.