Friday, April 24, 2015

Final Blog Assignment

Throughout this course I have learned a great deal through my research and the research of my colleagues about the early childhood field internationally. Unfortunately I was not about to make any contacts with professionals internationally, however I was able to review several podcast and review my colleagues findings. Although there were several consequences of learning about international early childhood field there were three that stood out to me. I have a new respect for American’s that go oversea to help educate, the effect poverty has on young children, and also develop a deeper understanding of the importance of equity in early childhood education.

Some of my colleagues were able to connect with educators from around the world and shared with us their experiences teaching abroad. These teacher are dedicated to providing children with the quality education they deserve, despite their working conditions and lack of resources. Educators must meet the requirement for the area in which they are teaching in. These educators must deal with the daily challenges of living and working in an unfamiliar environment, while trying to improve the lives of young children.

For many years poverty has been a growing issue, I have only recently studied the effect poverty has on young children. The first eight years of the child’s life is vital to their overall mental and physical wellbeing.  Children growing up in poverty experience, staving, malnutrition, and often lack of medical care. Poverty is the leading cause of death in most countries. With poverty being the leading cause of death, I often wonder how countries will ever get out of poverty. We must educate our youth by providing young children with quality education to insure their future is brighter than that which they live in today. Children living in poverty often display poor cognitive skill, social skills, and have behavioral problems, it is our duty has advocate of education to provide quality service to our youth.

Lastly, equity in early childhood education is not so equal, children living in lower class community, minorities, and children with disabilities of lack the necessary needed in order to be successful. In many countries woman and young girls are not allow to go to school. Law makers believe that only man and young boys should seek proper education. I have found organizations around the world that are seeking to make education available to all.

My goal is to go oversea and change lives, give children whom would have never been available to have quality education a chance to be successful in life. I want to world with improvised families break through poverty. My goal is to use all that I have learnt and share it with those less fortunate  





Friday, April 17, 2015

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

After exploring the site thoroughly there were many insightful ideas internationally as it related to  early childhood education and my professional goals, starting with the UNESCO which is expected to implement a stronger and better targeted strategy to build peace, eradicate poverty, and achieve inclusive sustainable development by improving the quality, equity and relevance of education.(UNESCO 2009-2014), by eliminating gender disparities in primary and secondary education by 2005, and achieving gender equality in education by 2015, with a focus on ensuring girls’ full and equal access to and achievement in basic education of good quality. The UNESCO are making strides to expand learning opportunities particular for girls and woman, which I believe as an early childhood professional is an goal to achieve, girls and woman around the world deserve to have access to quality education. What a joy it is to know that there are others around the world that have the same interested in bettering the lives of young girls and woman. Ensuring that by 2015 all children, particularly girls, children in difficult circumstances and those belonging to ethnic minorities, have access to, and complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality. Gender-based discrimination in education has both cause and sequentially will continue to cause poverty. Given the opportunity for girls and woman to advance academically allows everyone around the world to raise out of poverty. Gender must therefore be integrated at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, in formal and non-formal settings and from planning infrastructure to training teachers. Countries often promote alternative services for poor children with limited or no access to mainstream early childhood services which can be cost-effective and pedagogically innovative, but often raise concerns about sustainability and quality, this information I find every insightful, how countries believe that because it is cost-effective it is efficient, if these children are not exposed to high quality education how will they come out of the poverty in which they were born into.  







Saturday, April 11, 2015

Sharing web resources

While searching outside links I was lead to an article titled " Report: U.S. should focus on equity in education" which suggests that  Identifying and publicly reporting the teaching staff, programs and services needed to provide a meaningful educational opportunity to all students of every race and income level, including English-language learners and students with disabilities, based on evidence of effective education practices. Adopt and implement a school finance system that will provide equitable and sufficient funding for all students to achieve state content and performance standards.To ensure meaningful and fair evaluations, evidence of student learning should not rely solely on standardized tests. 

This newsletter contains several pieces of important information. And adds to my understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education, for example  Equitable resources may in some cases mean more than equal investment; as is often the case in other advanced nations, it includes the provision of additional resources to address the academic and other needs of low-income students, students with disabilities and English language learners, and for districts and schools serving large concentrations of low-income students and those in remote areas. 


Friday, April 3, 2015

Getting to Know Your International Contact

While exploring the Harvard University’s “Global Children’s Initiative” website the new ideas and insight I gained about early childhood system around the globe is that as much as we find early childhood education to be vital in the development for children many around the world are believing it to be true as well. Canada has developed a program that nurtures and protects early brain development in the first 1000 days of child’s life. Seeking to improve outcomes for children living in poverty. The program brings together mentors and experts in the fields of early childhood development, innovation systems, and learning communities.
Brazil is taking great strides to ensure that their young learners have life-long success. The NCPI Program is preparing leaders to leverage the science of healthy development in the design and implementation of innovative policies and programs that reduce preventable disparities and promote greater well-being for all Brazilian children and is Building a Brazilian scientific community around early childhood development. NCPI is committed to Building a unified science of child development to explain the early roots of lifelong health, learning, and behavior in Brazil.
Additional information about issues of equity and excellence I acquired from your international sources, is what we do or don't do as individuals, educators, and collectively as society can impede a child's success in learning. These national organizations call for schooling to place greater emphasis on: Active, hands-on learning Conceptual learning that leads to understanding along with acquisition of basic skill Meaningful, relevant learning experiences Interactive teaching and cooperative learning, A broad range of relevant content, integrated across traditional subject matter divisions At the same time, these national organizations unanimously criticize rote memorization, drill and practice on isolated academic skills, teacher lecture, and repetitive seatwork (S. Bredekamp, R.A. Knuth, L.G. Kunesh, and D.D. Shulman 1992) .
Harvard University’s “Global Children’s Initiative” website (,