Saturday, January 17, 2015

Relationship Reflection

Relationships are important to me because they provide a sense of identity, happiness and fulfillment

Several People I have positive relationships with:
My Best friend Zia Mose we met is my freshmen year of college. We have been friends for 6 years, she is a very positive figure in my life. I am able to be myself around her and confided in her. While having such a long close relationship the challenges we have faced has been obstacles that has taught me to listen more than I speak. Our relationship has lasted so long because we both realize our minor disagreements are not worth losing the love we have for each other. My relationship with Zia has impacted my work as an effective early childhood professional because she keeps me in good spirit just speaking with her on a daily bases keep me lifted. 
My sister Anita Alston-Ellis has always been an positive force in my life. She provide me with great insight and wisdom and leads by example. Having such an exceptional sister whom has accomplished so much in life has taught me to remain focus on my dreams and despite the obstacles that may come my way if I remain focused I will prevail. The challenges I face in our relationship is trying decipher whether the advice my sister gives me is her being a over protective sister or genuinely giving be advice she would take. My relationship with Anita has impacted my work as an effective early childhood professional because she contently reminds me to do my best and to keep striving for success. 

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