Saturday, August 15, 2015

Welcoming Families From Around the World

My families' Country: Mexico

5 way in which I would prepare to be  culturally responsive to this family:
  • I would first brush up on my Spanish ensure that I know the fundamental of Spanish.
  • Learn the families dynamics.
  • Search way to integrate their cultural tradition into the classroom curriculum.
  • Add classroom visuals reflecting their racial and ethnic diversity of the classroom.
  • Prepare my other students
A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations will benefit both you and the family:

My hope is that the preparations I have made will benefit myself as well as the family would be to making learning fun. My hope it to get the family excited about the child learning because they feel included. I hope that my preparations help me become a teacher , and makes it easier to teach someone of a different culture than my own.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your five ways of preparing. I did not think about preparing the other students, thank you for brining that up. I am sure it would have dawned on me eventually, but I was so focused on the child and family that I some what forgot about the rest of my students. It would definitely be a big change for them too! Great post!
